Avery Ascher
Avery Ascher creates and exhibits in a range of media, with particular focus on metalworking, basketmaking, and printmaking. Explorations of matriarchal continuity, the process of making, and migration over time inform her work. Natural found materials such as bone and bark provide particular design and structural inspiration for her art practice. A group mentorship under the guidance of Manitoba artist Diana Thorneycroft in 2016-17 opened the door to her love of experimenting with three-dimensional form.
Avery Ascher
Avery serves on the CARFAC Manitoba board of directors, and on the Northern Juried Art Show organizing committee in The Pas, Manitoba. She initiated and is an admin for The Pas Community Artspace Facebook group to help connect artists in northwest-central Manitoba. She has taught a 3D Form & Sculpture course at the Northern Visual Arts Centre (NorVA) in Flin Flon, Manitoba, and helps with grant writing and reporting for NorVA.
The rhythms and seasons of Clearwater Lake, Manitoba where Avery lives offer a strong place of grounding for art and wellness. She is involved in current efforts to renovate a Chalet building in the area, and looks forward to offering printmaking and other workshops there in future using low-impact processes and materials.